2009年4月17日 星期五


April 10th 2009 Friday DAY 1
The first day we went to the airport and took the airplane to Hong-Kong. It took us about two hours to get there. Then we transferred to Finland Airline to Helsinki. We played games and watched movies on the airplane. I slept about seven to eight hours. It took us another ten hours from Hong Kong to Helsinki. From Helsinki Airport, we took bus to the Sokos Hotel where we spent our first night in Finland. The hotel is very beautiful. At night we went to the big church in Helsinki it is very great. There will be a parade at night infront of the church. But that night is very cold so I didn't go to the parade.

April 11th 2009 Saturday DAY 2
The second day I woke up at seven o'clock, then I and my body "Brain" watches TV at our room. Our team went to the fish harbor. It's very big. At the evening we went to eat the lunch, we eat the meat pie it is very yummy. Then we go to the other church it's beautiful to.

April 12th 2009 Sunday DAY 3
The third day we go to the north pole of the santa claus villige. It's so pretty then we play the snoe ball fight. It's very fun. Then we go to have photo with santa, but the photo is to expensive so I didn't buy it it's about 25 euros.And we have a raindeer ride and the snowmotorcycle, the sno motorcycle was very expensive We go and sleep on the train, at night I go to my friend Aaron's room to look movies. It's wonderful.

April 13th 2009 Monday DAY 4
The fourth day we have took the train from santa's villge back to Helsiki and transferred another train to Jouenssu and sleep in the other hotel. Then we sleep at there a night. We play each other in there. We play snow fights in the outside of the hotel. At night we play together

April 14th 2009 Tuesday DAY 5
The fifth day morning we visited the Pielisjoen Koulu High School. The Principal Laumallu is very nice and friendly. He assign four students and took us to look around the school. In the afternoon we teach the school's student how to make a micro robot, it's very fun and excited. At night I went to homestay. They are very nice and friendly. They took me to go shopping. I like the homestay.

April 15th 2009 Wensday DAY 6
The sixth day we went to he another school. It's an elemanry school. All the sudents are very friendly. Aaron and I have new friends at there their name is Alex, Leevi and Mika. They took us to look around their school, it's very big and they are a little bit different, because Aaron and I have a bag of Finnish candy and we don't like to eat, so we give the candy to them. And they took the candy and eat and eat.

April 16th 2009 Thursday DAY 7
The seventh day we go to the Jounssu universty to have SciFest. We go there to teach how to make a nine axis robot and micro robot. At there have alot of people wants to learn how to mmake the nine axis robot, but it's very complicted so its difficulder than the micro robot. Aaron and I have taught the finnish student they are very smart, because Aaron and I only taught them one time and they can do all the robot's pieces.But they always go to take a break, make about ten minites and take tweny minites of break.

April 17th 2009 Friday DAY 8
The eighth day Eric and I go to finish teaching them making robot, but they come for a few minites and they go to take a break. When we finish the robot, but they didn't come and take their robot. At night we go to have dinner with Erkkie and other countries profecer. It's very happy.

April 18th 2009 Saturday DAY 9
The ninth day we went to the train station and we come back to Helsinki. We live in the HolidayInn Hotel, it's very big in our room.

April 19th 2009 Sunday DAY 10
The tenth day I and Aaron wake up at seven thirty in the morning. Then we go to eat the breakfast at eight o' clock. And we go to take the bus to take the ship to Tallin. We go to look at the church in the Tallin. We buy some souvenir to our parants. My teammates buy neckless to their mom. At night we sleep in Scandic-Palace a night.

April 20th 2009 Monday DAY 11
The eleventh we took the ship back to Helsinki. Then we went to go shopping in Helsinki. At their we went to B1 and play PS3, it's very cool and we all are very happy.

April 21th 2009 Tuesday DAY12

The twelveth day we go to little island. We went there and took some penuts and went to fed the squurals and many kinds of birds. It's very excited, because you can feel that the bird flies to your hand and bit the penuts. And in this island, all the rivers and ponds become ice. This is the prettiest island I never seen in Taiwan.

April 22th 2009 Wendsday DAY13

Today is the last day in Finland. We went back to Helsinki's airport and take the finland airline back to hong-Kong and took another plane back to Taiwan. This is the wonderfulest vacation I ever had.

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    < 清除隱私資料 >*
    o 留言人: TANKTESSIE
    o 主題:悉怛多缽怛囉 planet
    o 留言時間:2008-11-11 02:40:14
    o 留言內容:*

    An Inconvenient Truth)
    * zycxxcz1234 於 April 26, 2008 09:22 PM 回應 |



    green house 溫室效應
    Hurricane 颶風
    Ocean acidification 海洋酸化
    Population 人口
    Glacial Earthquakes冰川地震
    Soil moisture 土壤濕度
    Final thought終曲(campaign運動)
    -未達成目標ㄉ勝利 和未失敗ㄉ挫折
    * 版主 於 April 26, 2008 09:28 PM 回覆




    中醫辨症 西醫辨病 中西合璧
    小止觀 靜坐 和睦相處 平等對待 心觀佛不想病
    耳頂下拉耳底上拉 耳大處斜下拉 耳輪耳廓耳後
    按針炙穴( 指節相連處) 小2窟 無名2處 食中近指尖岔1處
    * zycxxcz1234 於 April 30, 2008 10:12 PM 回應 |


    按針炙穴( 指節相連處)6處- 小2窟 無名2處 食中近指尖岔1處
    南無 阿彌陀佛前靜坐
    * 版主 於 May 1, 2008 11:53 AM 回覆

    o 留言人: TANKTESSIE
    o 主題:悉怛多缽怛囉 planet
    o 留言時間:2008-11-11 02:39:33
    o 留言內容:*

    Added: May 26, 2007 (More info) 電影[不願面對的真相]後面的說明文
    字 版權屬原有電影公司所有 不願面對的真相的宣言:
    你能減少你ㄉ二氧化碳排放 甚至減少到<0>
    購買< 節能電器>:比如節能燈泡
    改進你ㄉ調溫器:換成定時ㄉ 減少冷暖氣ㄉ能耗
    對房屋作節能評估 改進隔熱性能
    加強能源ㄉ< 循環作用>
    有能力ㄉ話 請購買混合動力汽車
    多步行 或者騎自行車
    < 告訴>你ㄉ父母不要毀ㄌ 你以後賴以維生ㄉ世界
    如果你是家長 請與你ㄉ孩子一起 拯救他們以後賴以生存ㄉ世界
    咨詢當地能源公司 是否提供< 綠色能源> 如果他們不提供 詢問原因
    < 選舉>致力於解決氣候危機ㄉ領導人 < 上書>國會 如不採納 就參加國
    < 植樹>:種很多很多樹
    到所在地區< 呼籲>
    < 參與>電台熱線、在報紙上宣傳
    < 堅決>減少美國ㄉ二氧化碳排放
    < 聯合>國際上ㄉ力量 阻止全球變暖
    < 減少>我們對進口石油ㄉ依賴
    提高能源經濟標準 減少汽車尾氣排放
    如果你禱告 < 祈禱>人類能拿出改變ㄉ勇氣 非洲ㄉ古諺說 當你祈禱ㄉ時
    候 也同時採取< 行動> < 鼓勵>身邊ㄉ人都來觀看這部電影 盡可能< 瞭
    解>氣候危機ㄉ知識 然後把知識變成< 行動>ㄉ力量

    (07:00PM 不願面對的真相(紀錄片)(普)*********www.climatecrisis.net)
    An Inconvenient Tr

    o 留言人: 悉怛多缽怛囉 planet
    o 主題:悉怛多缽怛囉 planet
    o 留言時間:2008-11-11 02:34:46
    o 留言內容:



    下好力道 別(針 輕聲ㄅㄧㄝ)下去
    五指握筆 且 TRAIN調角度 小指在無名趾上面 無名指與小指並起 與大食中撐開一定距離
    縫紉機定 待機全身淋巴結

    有時 大拇指扣在 食中ㄉ中節
    拉好筋松好筋 去 除 全身乳酸
    像開刀視線 釋憲 示現 移決移覺

    (合)璧(分隔BOUNDARY!?) (合)併(沒分隔BOUNDARY?!)
    *並併五指* 棒球手套

    平 不偏不倚

    版書 板ㄅㄢˇ書

    必 "願生" "悉怛多缽怛囉PLANET"
    必 "願生" "悉怛多缽怛囉PLANET"


    懷孕期間 不殺害 眾生肉體精神

    必 "願生" "悉怛多缽怛囉PLANET"
    =>MP3.com.au 悉怛多缽怛囉阿門證據時效
    臺北不婚獨子女 節能減碳不吃肉
    1-+cos(angle)=2sin(半角)平方2cos(半角)平方 1-+sin(angle)=(sin角
